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Remote Working

Advising unique and measurable solutions to integrate

change, wellness and workplace strategies

Much like a living organism, an organization needs to adapt, grow, and change to survive and thrive. The EDS workplace design and build model integrates transformational design strategy with unequalled speed, quality, flexibility, cost certainty delivered using best in class digital technology.

EDS Convivial Office Spaces

Workplace strategy

An effective workplace strategy establishes a comprehensive framework that forms the vision, principles, and approach to the workplace experience in order to optimize business performance, foster employee encouragement, and celebrate the brand.


By aligning user and business needs to design, we use this process to articulate the direction and purpose of the project

Office Meeting

Master Planning

We advise on a strategy that defines how much and what type of space is needed, how the space is allocated across the footprint, and what it will take to implement the plan. The scale can range from a single building, multiple buildings in a campus setting, or multiple facilities in a defined geographic location. We co-create with our clients via workshops, mock-ups to design bespoke, sustainable, and meaningful workplace design solutions for maximum impact. 

Exotistic Design Studio

Site selection and feasibility

Site selection is a vital stage of any project. After understanding the type and purpose of the project to be developed we take a look at cost, location, size, accessibility, topography etc., of all potential sites and then do a thorough comparison. We also take into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of siting the project in a particular location.

Preliminary design services include:

  • Building facility evaluation

  • Site analysis

  • Master planning

  • Space planning

  • Feasibility studies

  • Conceptual design

  • 3D studies

Office Workspace

Wellness and Sustainability

With a focus on people-centric design, we unite end-user needs, technological innovation, and the built environment striving for a better quality of life and a more sustainable workplace. With extensive experience in LEED certification we integrate these principles with sustainability practices and manage them through each and every phase of our projects.

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