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  • Writer's pictureExotistic Design Studio

The Phenomenon of experiential design.

A perspective

Architectural design targets mainly humans, the lives of whom are dynamic and continuously changing. Consequently, the conventional design methodologies that deal with buildings as static entities do not always represent the proper method to generate user-friendly buildings. One way to help a designer imagine a future form, function and performance of a building is by setting various key scenarios for the future usage of the building throughout its predicted lifecycle.

Essentially, experiential design prioritizes human interaction with a built environment. In a commercial context, this means strategically using design elements to elicit an emotional connection to a brand and immerse occupants in a narrative. In practice, this can take many different forms, but above all, engagement and emotional connection are the foundation of experiential design. If a space doesn’t allow its occupants to feel connected, it’s not experiential.

While experiential design at its core does require a deep look at how people will interact with a space, it goes above and beyond to emotionally connect people with the space. Signage, décor, and messaging that strongly align with the brand message are a few of the ways experiential design accomplishes this connection. In short, the branded content works hand in hand with the design to reflect the purpose of the space.

If you want to know more do write to us or call us.

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